Human Right Watch Decries Efforts to Reject People Fleeing Wars in Syria and Iraq
Friday's deadly attacks in Paris have set off a storm of calls to close borders and reject refugees.
Asylum Seekers Squat in Empty Buildings While Waiting for Netherlands Approval
The northwestern European country expects to take more refugees but important questions remain.
Saudi Blockade Threatens Famine in Yemen
Yemeni civilians are starving as the international community tacitly allows the blockade to continue.
“You Can’t Be Scared of Death”: Colombian Refugees Recount Effects of War
“The paramilitaries kill people in a really ugly way ... it's something really inhumane.”
Arab Fall at the Berlin Wailing Wall
The Arab Fall has started, presenting the West with a check for centuries of arrogant exploitation.
The Horrors of Lesbos: On the Front Lines of Fortress Europe
Far from providing safe refuge to those who survive the crossing, Europe is subjecting refugees to life threatening conditions.
Who Is to Blame for the Refugee Crisis?
Many European countries are responding to the crisis with racist hysteria, polices and police state measures.
More Denial, More Problems: UN Predicts Millions of Climate Refugees to Come
In recent news, the UN warns of 50 million climate refugees within a decade and the melting of Greenland is accelerating.
The 100-Day Journey: How Two Brothers Migrated From Syria to Sweden
The mother of two teenage sons, who traveled from Syria to Sweden, recounts their 100-day journey by land and sea.
Without Safe Access to Asylum, People Will Keep Risking Their Lives in the Aegean
After protracted negotiations, this is what European asylum policy still looks like in practice.