DHS Secretary Defends Executive Orders Before Congress
Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly appeared before House to face questions about a number of Trump's executive orders.
Combating Trump’s Neo-Fascism and the Ghost of “1984”
The US may be on the verge of witnessing how democracy ends. We must fight the normalization of Trump and his actions.
Trump’s Executive Orders Could Drastically Expand Family Detention Centers
Trump's ruthless policy gives his deportation forces the power to detain large numbers of women and children.
“It’s Like Torture”: As Legal Fight Continues, Families Are Split by Trump’s Muslim Ban
Many detained by the Muslim ban were also denied access to a lawyer and threatened if they tried to use their cell phones.
Sanctuary Means Resisting the Muslim Ban: A Call to People of Faith
It's time for the white Christians whom Trump is claiming to “protect” to stand up and say, “Not in our name!”
Holding Our Rage Is Your Political Labor
Stop treating our rage as an affront, and start understanding it as a cue.
After Temporary Injunction, Fate of Some Detained Immigrants at US Airports Remains Unclear
Some CBP agents are still not complying with a temporary injunction against Trump's Muslim ban.
Refugee Chaos: Trump Has “Turned the Rules Upside Down“
Trump's order has shattered the plans of refugee families who have waited two decades to settle in the US.
NYC: Thousands Protest Trump Plan to Impose Ban on Refugees, Block Visas From Seven Muslim Nations
Thousands of protesters packed into Washington Square Park in New York for an emergency rally in support of Muslim and immigrant rights.
Uganda’s Unsung Heroes of Refugee Protection
What has been less widely noted is that the Ugandan government's much lauded openness toward refugees appears to come with a price tag for some.