Silver Linings in the 2012 Union Membership Figures?
Will Obama act? Time is running out for both the president and unions.
Voices From DC: Speaking Up for Schools and a Quality Education in Communities of Color
School closures siphon resources from public schools into private ventures, entrusting education to corporations.
With Assange in Diplomatic Limbo, Sweden in No Rush to Press Rape Charges
With Julian Assange remaining in diplomatic limbo in London, Sweden refuses his offer for an interview, leading some to suspect they are not anxious to pursue allegations of rape …
Egypt Aflame Over Protests
Late this evening, President Mohammad Morsi declared Emergency Law in three provinces around the Suez Canal that are ablaze in protests.
What’s Wrong with the “Right to Work”?
Who really benefits from
Detroit MLK Day for Justice: Of Dreams and Nightmares
n Detroit, on MLK Day, hundreds gathered to rally and protest against the persistent nightmares of inequality in urban cities nationwide.
“The Square”: Jehane Noujaim’s New Film Captures Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution After Mubarak’s Fall
As Egyptians mark the second anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, we look at a new documentary that captures the ongoing protest movement in Egypt well after the downfall of …
What Will Happen in Palestine Friday Morning?
Take the pledge to spread the news when the new Palestinian village is established to block land confiscation by the Netanyahu government.
Seattle Teachers’ Boycott of High Stakes Tests Spreads
Educators nationwide support growing Seattle teacher boycott of high stakes tests.
How the Walmart Labor Struggle Is Going Global
What started as a warehouse workers' strike in California late last year has grown into a global struggle against the world's largest private employer.