“Thank You Anarchy” Author and Wall Street Occupier Nathan Schneider on the Movement’s True Power
Nathan Schneider, author of the just-published ‘Thank You Anarchy, Notes From the Occupy Apocalypse’ tells Truthout he has been changed irrevocably by the movement, of which Zuccotti Park was …
Until the President Stops Deportations, We Will Stop Them Ourselves
The prison is run by Corrections Corporation of America, whose reported revenue has doubled throughout the 2000s as the federal government has contracted it to hold an increasing number …
Months After Fierce Opposition to Fare Hikes, Brazil’s Protests Are Evolving
While the right wing forces couldn't overwhelm the protests, their emergence nonetheless revealed the demonstrationsu2019 uncertain path.
Protectors vs. Destroyers – Canadians Unite to Stop Fracking in New Brunswick
For the past two weeks, an unprecedented coalition of Acadians, Anglophones and members of the Elsipogtog First Nation have blockaded a compound in the Canadian town of Rexton, New …
Reclaiming the Roadblock, UK Uncut Takes Direct Action Against Austerity
The anti-cuts group recently mobilized a nationwide action called “Roadblocks for Justice” that focused specifically on cuts to legal aid.
Ecuador Approves Oil Drilling in Amazon Rain Forest
On October 3rd 2013, Ecuador's National Assembly authorized the project to drill for oil in the Yasuni National forest, which is a biosphere reserve and home of endemic tribes …
Fast Food Workers Win a Union … Through Zoolidarity
Fast food workers at the Oregon Zoo defied the odds and voted in a union, but they started acting like a union well before the vote.
One Month After Historic Hunger Strike Ends, Legislators Hold Hearings About Solitary Confinement
Families and former prisoners held for years in solitary confinement expressed optimism October 9 after the first of several California Public Safety Committee hearings about the punishment, promised in …
Report Finds Police Worldwide Criminalize Dissent, Assert New Powers in Crackdown on Protests
In a major new report, the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations details a global crackdown on peaceful protests through excessive police force and the criminalization of dissent.
Idle No More Protestors Take to the Streets in Global Day of Action
Idle No More protestors assert treaty rights and nationhood as part of International Day of Action.