press freedom
Getting the Story Wrong: The Distortion of American Politics by the Press
Jefferson's ambivalence about the press is characterized in distorted reporting on the current election.
Steady Death Toll Reflects Ongoing Worldwide Assault on Journalists
World Press Freedom Day reminds us that reliable information comes at a cost.
Obama’s Victory Dance in Argentina
While Argentina's president limits press freedoms, President Obama offers praise, seeking to spread US influence abroad.
Egypt’s Terror Law Violates Fundamental Freedoms
Egyptian authorities are already holding a record number of journalists behind bars.
Torturing Democracy: The Freedom of Information Act and First Amendment Under Assault
Tactics by the US government to avoid release of torture photos for 11 years have become a threat to constitutional government.
Early Warning Signs in United Arab Emirates Indicate Troubling Crisis Over Press Freedoms
UAE leaders have become more aggressive in arresting people for expressing their opinions.
“Drastic Decline” Seen in World Press Freedom
Reporters Without Borders warns of a “worldwide deterioration in freedom of information.”
Suffocating Dissent: Gagging the Media in Ethiopia
Intent on hiding its human rights violations, Ethiopia's government denies the independent press the freedom to operate.
With Thumbs-Up From Obama, Net Neutrality Advocates See Victory in Sight
President Obama's statement in support of net neutrality brought cheers from internet freedom advocates.
Eric Holder’s Complex Legacy: Voting Rights Advocate, Enemy of Press Freedom, Friend of Wall Street
Attorney General Eric Holder announced his plan to resign Thursday after nearly six years as head of the Justice Department.