Metal Madness: Lead Doesn’t Just Poison Birds, It Scrambles Everything They Need to Survive
It's well-known that high levels of lead kill birds. But now it's becoming clear that amounts commonly encountered by waterfowl and raptors can mess up their digestion, brains, hearts, …
Loss of Night: Artificial Light Disrupts Sex Hormones of Birds
Around the world, scientists have gathered mounting evidence that city lights are altering the basic physiology of urban birds, suppressing their estrogen and testosterone and changing their singing, mating …
Financial Relief Finally Coming for Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Victims
The VA announced it will cover health care costs for Marine dependents who contracted cancer and other illnesses from toxic water at Camp Lejeune, as promised two years ago.
Scrambling Birds’ Brains: Could This Toxic Algae Offer Clues to Human Diseases?
A mysterious toxin with no name and no cure lurking in lakes in the South has drilled holes in the brains of the region's birds.
Pesticides on the Playground
Is your children’s schoolyard routinely sprayed with pesticides? How safe your children are might depend on where you live.
General Honore, Enviro Groups Call for Strengthening EPA’s Proposed Refinery Pollution Standards
Millions of people living near refineries will be directly affected by a long awaited updates to regulations the EPA has proposed for oil refineries.
Chlorpyrifos: Banned for Most Americans, Farmworkers and Their Children Left Behind
The pesticide chlorpyrifos was banned for household use over a dozen years ago, but it is still widely applied in agriculture.
A Dangerous Mixture in “Poison Valley”: Neoliberalism, Pesticides and the Kaua’i Anti-GMO Movement
For the first time in history, County Council in the Hawaiian island of Kaua'i blocked a citizen-led petition to stop further GMO development until corporations could prove the safety …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Drinking Water Polluted for Thousands of Ohians and Canadians, and More
A farmer decides to use an abandoned prison to grow pot, and more.
Utility Trade Group Funds ALEC Attack on Americans Using Solar
Although ALEC recently proclaimed it was being falsely portrayed as “anti-clean energy,” the latest revelations confirm that ALEC continues to pursue a polluters' wish list, despite its PR pronouncements.