Police Violence
Police Sergeant Says Cop Who Killed Unarmed Eric Harris Is a “True Victim“
Many are not buying the police's explanation that it was “an inadvertent mistake.”
Black Lives Matter Activists in South Carolina Demand Reform After Police Killing of Walter Scott
Cries of “black lives matter” continue to ring out across the country after new police killings of unarmed African Americans.
Pedro Rios Jr. Civil Suit: Chicago Police Struck 14-Year-Old With Car Prior to Fatal Shooting
An update on Truthout's four-part investigative series on the Chicago Police Department and the Independent Police Review Authority.
President Obama Already Has a Way to Prevent Policing Abuses
A presidential task force outlines steps to bridge the divide between police and communities of color.
In Strange Twist of History, Black Activist Charged With “Lynching”
Law created to protect Blacks is cited against woman protesting police violence.
Imagining Social Justice as a Communal Process
Hate violence is inextricably bound to broader social and political systems.
Fact Sheet on Police Violence in the Jane-Finch Community of Toronto
In 2002, a survey of youth's sense of safety in the Jane-Finch, Malvern, Regent Park and Parkdale communities identified police violence and drug trade activities as their principal fears.
Protests Rise Over Los Angeles Police Killing of Mentally Ill, Black Homeless Man
Protesters demanded police training to deal with mentally ill after LAPD caught on video shooting and killing a homeless black man.
Confronting the Rhetoric of “Black on Black Crime”: A Response to Derailing Strategies
This article is dedicated to all those who seek to produce justice in the face of state sanctioned violence vis-u00e0-vis police brutality
Do the Americans With Disabilities and Civil Rights Acts Apply to Police Operations?
The Supreme Court's ruling about whether the police had a right to shoot a mentally ill woman wielding a knife has broad ramifications.