Noam Chomsky on the Legacy of Ariel Sharon: Not Speaking Ill of the Dead “Imposes a Vow of Silence”
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon died Saturday at the age of 85 after eight years in a coma.
Memo to Media: Israeli Settlement Expansion Is Not All About the United States
It's the existence of Israel's West Bank settlements at all, not the timing of an announcement about new construction, that should concern the media.
Snow Job About Israel-Palestine – An Analysis
The real world is much larger. It deserves a bit of effort to get an accurate sense of what is happening to it, and to you.
Holiday Greeting: No Peace Without Justice
There can be no peace without justice. At least five areas of blatant injustice warrant the urgent attention of people of good will: poverty wages, immigrant detention, harsh sentencing, …
Permanent Address for Palestinian Solidarity
The intellectual dishonesty of Israelu2019s supporters is appalling. But in some odd way, it is also understandable.
Boycotts, Backlash, Authority and Change
The decision on the part of the American Studies Association to honor a call from Palestinian civil society for an academic boycott of Israel has garnered a wide range …
Refugees Struggle in Ruined Camp
As the Syrian war intensifies sectarian clashes in Lebanonu2019s northern coastal city Tripoli, Palestinians in the area worriedly watch the violence from the sidelines.
Taking Direct Action Against Israel’s Racist Marriage Law
Activists have launched a new campaign to challenge Israeli laws which prevent many Palestinians from marrying each other.
Major US Academic Association Endorses Academic Boycott of Israel
Journalist and author Ali Abunimah says that the endorsement of BDS by the American Studies Association does not target individuals, only academic institutions complicit in denying the rights of …
Mandela and Arafat II
There were, to be sure, profound errors made by the Palestinian leader - not the least of which was the trust he placed in the agreements he signed.