A Lame-Duck Assault on Our Rights in Ohio
Republicans used the lame-duck session to force laws against reproductive rights, higher minimum wages, and solidarity with Palestine.
Is There a Nonviolent Path to a Livable Future? A Conversation With Chris Moore-Backman
There's a “movement of movements” taking place, knitting together a vast array of nonviolent social struggles.
President Obama Belatedly Says No to Israel
For the first time in his eight-year presidency, Barack Obama said no to Israel.
Modern Language Association Votes Down Resolution to Boycott Israeli Institutions
The Modern Language Association has traditionally been adverse to engaging in political debates.
A New Understanding of Loyalty: An Interview With Author Sarah Schulman
When we abdicate personal accountability and accept scapegoating, we enhance the punitive power of the state.
Three Activist Victories That Flew Under the Radar Over the Holidays
Here's some recent news from the world of social justice that received little attention as the nation paused to observe the winter holidays.
Diana Buttu and Gideon Levy on Israeli Settlements, Kerry, Military Aid and the End of a Two-State Solution
Secretary of State John Kerry has blasted Israel's government.
Israel Cuts Diplomatic Ties to Countries That Condemned Settlements in UN Security Council Vote
Israel dialed back diplomatic ties to 10 countries Tuesday whose governments supported a United Nations resolution condemning settlements in Palestinian territory.
Beyond Two States, Beyond Partition
Continuing to move down the same negotiating paths that have resulted in failure for more than 20 years will not bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
UN Declares Israeli Settlements Illegal; Netanyahu Vows to Retaliate After US Abstains From Vote
Israeli officials are vowing to build thousands of new settlement homes on occupied Palestinian land.