Middle East
Obama Administration Sabotages Nuclear Nonproliferation Conference
So much for President Obama's commitment to a nuclear-weapons-free world.
Yemen Redraws Middle East Alliances
This small country tucked into the bottom of the Arabian Peninsula is shattering old alliances and spurring new and surprising ones.
The Iran Framework: A Case Study in Engagement
The nuclear agreement comes at a crucial moment, not merely in terms of Iran's nuclear-weapon potential but more broadly with respect to the chaotic shape of Middle East politics.
Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East
One of the lessons of history is that both people and nations who fail to adapt to new circumstances are doomed to eventually decline. So, America, if the shoe …
Neocon “Chaos Promotion” in the Mideast
America's neocons thought no country could stand up to the high-tech US military. So, the “regime change” strategy was born.
War on Terror Update
Are Obama’s Record Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Iraq Fueling Unrest in Middle East?
President Obama has overseen a major increase in weapons sales since taking office.
Three Reasons Why the United States Is Broken, Bloated and Bleeding
Facing inequality, police militarization and spiraling military costs, what kind of country will we be?
As New York University Expands Into Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates Bars Professor
Andrew Ross researches migrant workers and labor abuse.
“The Rise of Islamic State” Offers Policy Lessons for US Hawks
In a new book, Patrick Cockburn looks at the legacy of recent wars in the Middle East.