
Doctors Are Urging Medicare to Deny Coverage for Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug
The FDA has faced sharp criticism for approving Aduhelm even though clinical trials exposed serious safety risks.

Parents With Disabilities Face Medicare Rules That Exclude Parental Assistance
Help with parenting, according to state and federal law, is not covered under current Medicare rules.

Survey Finds Sharpest Decline in Public Opinion About Health Care in the US
COVID “really illustrated just how dysfunctional the system actually is,” said one survey respondent.

Manchin Takes the Teeth Out of Democrats’ Plan for Seniors’ Dental Care
Advocates in West Virginia have called out their senator for opposing adding dental coverage for Medicare recipients.

Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug Behind About Half of Medicare’s Yearly Price Bump
Aduhelm, approved by the FDA in June despite much pushback, is expected to be a huge burden on the health care system.

An Obscure Agency Is Threatening to Hand Medicare Over to Wall Street
30 million seniors who thought they were free of insurance companies may find their health care managed by corporations.

Biden Is Quietly Continuing a Trump-Era Ploy to Privatize Medicare
The Medicare experiment could result in health care policy and political nightmare, but most in Congress seem unaware.

Americans Want Tougher Controls on Drug Prices Than What Democrats Are Offering
A new poll shows the public is unified on lower drug prices, but pharma campaign cash is keeping legislation in check.

Sanders Says He’s Still Working to Get Drug Price Plan Into Reconciliation Bill
Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’s still making calls and negotiating to have the proposals included.

As Pharma Cash Rained Down, Sinema Killed Democrats’ Prescription Drug Plan
How will Sen. Kyrsten Sinema be rewarded for killing off popular drug pricing proposals?