Chicago - For nearly a decade, public schools around the country have struggled to meet federal academic standards, considered “failing” when too many children flunked achievement tests. …
Washington - The House on Friday passed a new version of a stopgap spending bill about 30 hours after rejecting a nearly identical version of the legislation, intended to …
A majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices and some politicians like to refer to corporations as “persons.” Few actual people, though, could get away with years of lawless behavior …
Honey bees help pollinate 1 in every 3 bites that we eat… They are vital in our agricultural industry and essential for the survival of the almost 7 billion …
(Image: JR / Truthout) There are resources and there are resources. For corporations, resources include raw materials, labor, the property and the equipment they use, the talents …
On Monday, President Obama proposed a new tax on millionaires as part of his plan to close the deficit and responded to opponents who have labeled his plan "class …
Washington - With apologies to Winston Churchill: The talk in the political class is that this is the beginning of the end of the Obama administration, while the talk …
The twin towers of the World Trade Center seen through fog from Liberty State Park in Jersey City, N.J., on Dec. 31, 1994. (Photo: Keith Meyers / The New …
Following up on yesterday’s column about corporate spending, I saw that John Coates (Harvard Law School) and Taylor Lincoln (Public Citizen) have published a study of the relationship between …