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Bernanke: Some Wall Street Executives Should’ve Gone to Jail Over Financial Crisis
Bernanke thinks that in addition to the corporations, individuals should have been held accountable.
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Pregnant Women’s BPA Chemical Exposure Linked to Low Birth Weights in China
Chinese babies born to mothers with high levels of BPA in their urine were more likely to be born at a low birth weight.
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On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Corporate Elite Rig the System Against Us, and More
We need more than talk to narrow the great divide between the haves and have-nots.
More Leisure, Less Capitalism, Thanks to Tech
Author Peter Frase discusses how technology and evolving social relations could lead to more leisure time in workers' lives.
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Gender Pay Gap Drives Inequality
Women, it turns out, are the backs on which extreme wealth is being built.
Are Pro-Israel Bullies on US Campuses Planning Dirtier Tactics?
Israel lobby groups are stepping up their efforts to silence the Palestine solidarity movement on campuses nationwide.
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Los Angeles’ 1% Disrupted Democracy and Dismantled the Public School System
Nearly 1000 marched against the “philanthrocapitalist's” plan for unregulated charter schools.
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Russian Lawmakers Approve Troops for Syria, Launch Airstrikes Against IS Positions
Russia's defense ministry says its jets are carrying out airstrikes on Syria against positionsn believed to belong to the Islamic State.
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William Rivers Pitt | Blood on the Moon for the GOP
The infrequency of a blood moon is nothing compared to the rarity of an event like Boehner's exit.
It’s Time for Bernie Sanders to Step Up on Immigration
Bernie Sanders is missing an opportunity to engage in real dialogue about immigration, workers and open borders.