Majority of Theater-Going Audience, Minority of Playwrights and Directors
Women are under-represented in theater all over the United States - and more under-represented the closer one gets to Broadway.
Betty Dodson’s Feminist Sex Wars
Betty Dodson takes the side of “dirty” feminists, talks up the vulva and the clitoris, discusses the relationship of sexual pleasure and masturbation to human liberation and excoriates the …
Want to Cut Food Stamp Spending? Raise the Minimum Wage
Don't cut programs for the people who need them, cut those people's need for the programs.
From Rome, Five Basic Insights on Inequality
In plain yet powerful language, Pope Francis is challenging the givens of our deeply unequal world - and helping inspire resistance to it.
Dumbing Down America: The Decline of Education in the US as Seen From Down Under
The American electorate fails to realize it must unite to solve a skyrocketing educational cost and student debt problem that other nations solved a hundred or more years ago, …
Wage Gap for Women of Color Persists, Fuels Poverty, New Study Finds
A new study shows that women of color earn less than men of the same race and white women.
Myths of Economic Statistics
While the US economy is growing at a steady pace, our corporate driven structure continues to promote inequality.
Bill de Blasio: Mayor of Two Cities
While income inequality was a central theme of Bill de Blasio's mayoral campaign, what specific ideas, programs and policies does he have, and what can New York City's mayor …
The Brutal Past and Present Are Another Country in Secret Australia
Suppressing racist truths, while venerating Australia's servile role in the colonial wars of Britain and the United States, has almost cult status in Canberra today.
Are Heartless People Simply Born That Way?
An insensitivity toward the problems poor people face, researchers have shown, reflects a deeper psychological shift that extreme inequality makes all but inevitable.