Indigenous Peoples
Nine Native Sites to Visit Instead of Celebrating Thanksgiving With Turkey
Turn Thanksgiving into an interesting cultural experience.
The Thanksgiving Myth: Reflecting on Land Theft, Betrayal and Genocide
Colonialism is great for the colonizer, and disastrous for the colonized.
US Government Asks Native Hawaiians to Legitimize Occupation With Vote
What Native Hawaiians want is independence, not legal recognition.
Las Bambas Project: A Restriction on Indigenous Vocal Input in Peru’s Mining Operations
President Humala has to make certain that all citizens are treated equally.
Mexican Farmers Accuse Mining Companies of Shady Tactics in Chiapas
Titanium mining is threatening communities' ecological stability and disrupting collective decision-making practices in Chiapas.
As Confederate Flags Fall, Columbus Statues Stand Tall
Columbus statues continue to stand tall as enduring symbols of racism beyond the reach of change.
Winnemem Wintu Fight for Cultural Survival in Northern California
When Shasta Dam was built in 1945, the Winnemem lost 90 percent of their sacred and ceremonial sites.
Garifuna Communities of Honduras Resist Corporate Land Grabs
The displacement of these Honduran Afro-descendant communities accelerated after the installment of a US backed golpista regime.
Sustainable Development Goals Could Learn From Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront to defend the Earth from the ‘endless growth’ economy.
Who Will Pay the Price for Australia’s Climate Change Policies?
For thousands of years, Indigenous people have traditionally managed the land in the savannah regions of tropical northern Australia.