Indigenous Peoples
Jill Stein Spray Paints a Bulldozer and More Protesters Lock Down at #NoDAPL
Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said Tuesday that Stein would be charged with trespassing and vandalism.
Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native Americans With Dogs and Pepper Spray
The pipeline has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
Did the Dakota Access Pipeline Company Deliberately Destroy Sacred Sioux Burial Sites?
As bulldozers cleared earth, hundreds of Native Americans from many different tribes rushed onto the construction site to protect the sacred site.
Tainted Water Imperils Health, Traditions for Montana Tribe
For Native American tribes, water more than sustains — it is a blessed, living thing to be revered and protected.
Whatever It Takes: Another Day on the Front Lines of #NoDAPL
A total of eight Water Protectors were arrested over the course of Wednesday's direct action.
Where Movements Meet: Black Lives Matter Organizers Visit #NoDAPL
“I believe we must step beyond solidarity, and that Black and Brown power will get us free.”
“The Hunt”: Colonial Conservation, Caught on Film
Espousing colonial attitudes, BBC's latest documentary blames tribal peoples — again — for endangering species.
Three Reasons the Standing Rock Sioux Can Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
For starters, this protest is about a competing idea for the future of the planet — and waves of people will show up to make that point.
Corporate Conquistadors Violate Indigenous Lands and Bodies
Canada's National Inquiry into Murdered and Disappeared Indigenous Women ought to investigate the role of the extractive industry.
Opposing Corporate Theft of Mayan Textiles, Weavers Appeal to Guatemala’s High Court
Guatemala's Indigenous Mayan weavers are fighting corporate appropriation of their intellectual property rights.