
How Not to Build a “Great, Great Wall”: A Timeline of Border Fortification
Trump’s phantasmagorical wall, whether it ever materializes or not, has become a central artifact in US politics.

Matthew Whitaker Is Shaping Immigration Law Per Trump’s Agenda
The acting attorney general is making himself the final authority on some questions of immigration law.

Democrats Propose “Technological Wall” With Expanded Border Surveillance
Digital rights advocates say suggesting alternative “border security” proposals would infringe on civil liberties.

AG Nominee William Barr Endorsed “More Incarceration”
Civil rights, not the Mueller investigation, should be the focus of Barr's Senate confirmation hearings.

If Trump Declares a National Emergency, He’ll Be Breaking the Law
Under US law, Trump cannot declare a national emergency in order to circumvent the Constitution.

Immigrant Rights Activist Decries Trump Remarks About Southern Border
Trump's first prime-time speech was xenophobic and riddled with falsehoods.

Donald Trump Is the Damn Emergency
Last night’s address was a disgrace to the office from beginning to end.

Mayor of Texas Border Town: Trump’s Wall Is Pointless
Mayor of McAllen, Texas, declares that the border wall construction would harm the environment and community.

Trump Golf Club Allegedly Gave Out Fake Green Cards and Social Security Numbers
Where is the outrage over Trump's hypocrisy?

ICE Raids Make Families Afraid to Leave Their Homes
Raids destabilize families and communities and make people feel unsafe even in their own homes.