Health Care
Single-Payer Is Within Reach: What You Need to Know About the Bill for Improved Medicare for All
HR 676, a single-payer health care bill introduced in Congress, has more cosponsors than ever before.
This Is It: We Have the Next Three Weeks to Fight for the Affordable Care Act
Indivisible is mobilizing voters to call every Republican and Democratic senator nonstop, write letters and hold sit-ins.
Reported Medicaid Expansion “Compromise” Would Have Almost the Same Effect as House Bill
The deal some Senators appear ready to accept would reverse Medicaid gains over the long term.
Economic Update: Human Nature and Capitalism
This week's episode discusses California and Nevada's steps toward universal medical insurance, the Toronto housing bubble and more.
Will Nevada Be the First State to Adopt “Medicaid for All”?
A new bill would extend coverage to all residents, regardless of health or age.
Voters Are Fired Up for Single Payer, Creating Dilemma for Democrats
When the people lead, the legislators will follow.
Rural Communities Have the Most to Lose With Health Care Repeal
The GOP health bill won't just roll back Obamacare — it will end Medicaid as we know it.
With Medicaid and Health Care Under Attack, Home Care for the Aging Faces Crisis
Community-based aging programs are making progress, but Trump and Republicans may soon gut funding for critical senior care.
We Need to Pull the Plug on Trumpcare
The grassroots resistance to the GOP's nightmare health care bill — and argue against the Democrats' focus on future elections.
Why Even the Private Health Insurance Industry Hates the House Health Bill
Leaders of the private health industry want you to look elsewhere while they help write the Senate version of Trumpcare.