Health Care

Single-Payer Fight Moves to Massachusetts
Massachusetts was first to legalize gay marriage; will it also be first to introduce single-payer health care?

This Is a Piece I Would Write About How to Fight Trumpcare, if I Were Well Enough
It seems this bill, and all its horrors, have faded into a background of horrors in the American psyche.

An Open Letter to the GOP: You Are Sentencing Me to Death
Health care is never a numbers game — it's always about life and death for somebody.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Estimated to Kill 28,600 More in US Each Year and Drop 22 Million From Insurance
Twenty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance under the Senate Republicans' health care bill over the next decade.

What Happens When the Federal Government Eliminates Health Coverage?
Historical precedents can provide insights for the current debate.

The Secret Republican Health Care Plan: Cutting Taxes and Destroying Medicaid
How to destroy the economy with 50 votes.

William Rivers Pitt | Ruthless, Soulless, Vicious: Three Reasons the Senate GOP’s ACA Replacement Is a Disgrace
After a careful read, it's clear: The “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” must be cast out like the bag of dung it is.

Disabled Protesters Just Showed Senate Democrats How It’s Done
Where was the Democratic “Resistance” when disabled protesters were being dragged out of their wheelchairs?

By Defunding Planned Parenthood, Republicans Would Cut Services That Reduce Abortions
Dr. Willie Parker, a physician and abortion provider, discusses how the new Senate health care bill will drastically cut reproductive care.

Nevada Organizers Hold Senator’s Feet to the Fire on Health Care
As working people who create the wealth for the 1%, we shouldn't have to crowdfund our health care, says Autumn Zemke.