Health Care
Dr. Carol Paris: We Must Make It Toxic for Politicians to Not Get on Board With Single-Payer
Dr. Carol Paris, president of Physicians for a National Health Program, discusses how people can make the demand for single-payer health care.
Trumpcare May Well Be Collapsing, but the Health Care Fight Is Far From Over
The McConnell-Ryan health plan collapses as conservatives bolt — but progressives have no victory to celebrate.
Building People Power in Trump Country: West Virginia Coalitions Fight GOP Health Care Attacks
Organizer Gary Zuckett discusses building coalitions in West Virginia to fight regressive GOP policies in 2017 and beyond.
Why Health Savings Accounts Are a Bust for the Poor but a Boost for the Privileged
Enrollment in Health Savings Accounts has skyrocketed to nearly 20 million people, but there's a catch.
Worried Sick About Prescription Costs
Drug corporations are bleeding Americans dry, and the proposed health care repeal will make things worse.
Health Care Lobbyists Are No Strangers on the Hill
Eighteen former lawmakers also swung through the revolving door and now serve health care clients as lobbyists.
Medicare for All Wins Backing of Conservative Southern Democrats
A House bill to expand the publicly-funded Medicare program from just senior citizens to every American is picking up record support.
McConnell’s Latest Health Care Bill Is Even Worse, Gutting Coverage and Raising Costs for Tens of Millions
Comparison of the bills reveal that the GOP hasn't budged an inch in its intention to cut federal subsidies of state-run Medicaid by one-third.
Economic Update: Capitalism’s Leaders
This week's episode discusses the Senate's dueling health bills, minimum wage cuts and more.
Health Care Debate Should Also Focus on the Thousands of Jobs in Indian Country
The House and Senate plans to roll back Obamacare — and destroy Medicaid — will impact the Indian health system.