Health Care

Election Countdown 2012: Human Rights Envoys Call on US Officials to Explain the Use of Excessive Force on Occupy Protesters, and More
In today's Election Countdown 2012 news: Two UN human rights envoys called on US officials to explain the use of excessive force on Occupy protesters, the National Research Council …

Liberals Working for the Right
It is astounding how happy liberals are to work for the right by playing into conservative framing.

The Supreme Court Should Rule With the People
Six years after Massachusetts enacted the state version of Obamau2019s health law, the people of Massachusetts are not happy. According to a June 11th poll in Massachusetts, 78% …

A Back Door to the Public Option
The fact is, thereu2019s enough the public likes about Obamacare that if the Court strikes down the individual mandate that wonu2019t be the end. It will just be the …

Health Insurance Companies Plowed Over $107 Million Into Electing Speaker Boehner’s Anti-Health Reform Congress
And not only has this money corrupted our government, we didnu2019t even find out about it until two years after it was spent since it was hidden in 501(c) …

WaPo’s Plug for Health Insurer Misses the Deadly Fine Print
Washington Post article reiterates corporate-healthcare talking points.

Criminalizing Pregnancy: How Feticide Laws Made Common Ground for Pro- and Anti-Choice Groups
National Advocates for Pregnant women demands more than punitive solutions to social problems that affect everyone.

Romney Confirms He Will Deny Insurance to Millions With Pre-Existing Conditions if Obamacare Is Struck Down
Romney confirmed on Tuesday that he would allow insurers to deny coverage to millions of Americans.

Jobs for the Cure: Does Your Donation Go to Cancer Research or Salaries and Overhead?
Even after the Komen Foundation's withdrawal of funding from Planned Parenthood, many women still think it should be possible to

Nation’s Largest Health Insurer Will Preserve Key Obamacare Provisions, Regardless of Supreme Court Ruling
UnitedHealthcare — one of the nation's largest health insurers — has announced that it will preserve a provision of the health care law that allows young adults to stay …