Health Care
Why the US Should Have Universal Health Care
Health care shouldn't be a messy political fight to begin with: it's an issue of basic human rights.
Trump’s Health Care Policy Appears Heavy on Complexity, Light on Mercy
Letting the states decide how to insure residents might lead to a cobweb of unwieldy regulations.
Playing Defense: How Progressives Could Push Democrats to Block the Trump Agenda
Progressives now have more power within the Democratic Party, which activists must push to be more militant.
Sanders on Trump: We Need to Think Every Day How to Mobilize People to Defeat This Horrific Agenda
Sen. Sanders speaks about what it looks like to hold Trump and the Republican Party accountable.
How a Battle Over Affordable Medicine Helped Kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The debate about an exotic new kind of drug delayed the trade deal for years, thanks in part to relentless advocates who stood up to big pharma.
Even After Trump Is Gone, Fallout From Democratic Primaries May Haunt Single-Payer Efforts
Leaked emails show how mainstream Democrats undermined the discussion of single-payer health care in the primaries.
The Real Trump Effect: Down-Ballot Disaster for Democrats
Democrats sustained losses at every level of government. Even so, some state-level victories shine through.
Modest Wins for Minimum Wage, Huge Gains for Marijuana Legalization Amid Shock GOP Wave
It was an otherwise bright spot for left-leaning voters, on a night punctuated by shocking Republican gains.
Looking Past the Affordable Care Act: We Must Sustain the Fight for Universal Coverage
Given the dysfunctional ACA, it's remarkable that neither major political party has a plan to truly fix the situation.
Republican Senators in Tight Races Are Hiding Their Anti-Choice Priorities
Anti-choice candidates have started to recognize that their views are not in sync with voters and are hiding them.