Government Shutdown
Here Lies the Tea Party, 2009 – 2013
Tea Party members have marked their own grave with this government shut down, creating historically low ratings for the already floundering GOP.
The Cost of the Tea Party Shutdown Keeps Getting Higher
While the government shutdown has cost the US economy millions already, more will be sacrificed while Tea Party holds the country hostage.
“Totally Self-Inflicted Damage”: US on Verge of Default as Pain From 16-Day Shutdown Spreads
Robert Borosage, founder and president of the Institute for Americau2019s Future and co-director of its sister organization, the Campaign for Americau2019s Future, is interviewed about the effects of the …
Economist: There Is No Debt Crisis
Gerald Epstein, codirector of the Political Economy Research Institute, discusses Congress' upcoming decision to raise the debt ceiling.
Tea Party’s War Memorial Rally Was Another “Let Him Die!” Moment
Why is the tea party rallying over a closed memorial when so many people are suffering, asks Joshua Holland.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Leaders Reached a Deal Monday to End the Economic Standoff, and More
Monday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell negotiated a deal to end the economic standoff.
Don’t Kick the Can Down the Road
A ‘deal’ that kicks the can down the road means the ongoing economic harm just keeps harming for the next few months, and then maybe gets worse.
The Ten Hardline Conservatives Pulling the Strings of the GOP Shutdown
Just looking at the rank-and-file members of the “suicide caucus” isn't enough - it's like focusing on the marionette rather than the puppet-master.
Dean Baker | The Tea Party and the New York Times Shut Down the Government
It is the media's job to inform the public about the budget. They are clearly failing badly.
What GOP-Tea Party Risks With Block of New New Deal
The Republican-Tea Party alliance operates a weapon of mass deflection, protecting capitalism from criticism. Sadly, the Democrats neither expose nor attack the Republican project, says Wolff.