
Violating International Law in Gaza
As Israel's assault claims the lives of hundreds of Palestinian children, there's no doubt that it's a form of collective punishment.

In France, Progressives Fight a Two-Front Battle Against Israeli Propaganda and Anti-Semitism
Progressives in France have to fight a two-front battle: one against far right Israeli propaganda and another against the strange alliance between some genuinely anti-Semitic far right and Islamist …

Joint Declaration by Over 140 International Law Experts on Israel’s Gaza Offensive
As bombs continue to reign down on Gaza, international law professors and human rights experts urge action to end the violence and accountability for all responsible for international law …

Soft Edges, Hard Core: A Media Tilt to Israel in Gaza
A July 25 editorial by The New York Times shows how a reasonable and ostensibly balanced text can mask deeply biased pro-Israel sentiments.

Planning to Launch New Freedom Flotilla to Challenge Blockade
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza, ongoing blockade and international complicity.

The “Washington Post” Fails in Gaza
This is the way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has always been presented - the Israelis are real people whom you can see and know, as individual stories, versus an amorphous …

“Our Village Has Become a Ghost Town”: a Distressing Phone Call From Gaza
Raed, 31, knew that his cousin had been killed by an Israeli sniper in Gaza earlier that day, leaving behind a wife and six children.

Stand With Kerry Against Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu rejected John Kerry's Gaza ceasefire proposal. If enough Americans urged Kerry to “stand tall,” he would.

Despite Growing International Condemnation, No End to Gaza Violence in Sight
As the death toll in Gaza passes 1,000 Lia Tarachansky and Phyllis Bennis respond to a poll which found 86 percent of Israelis reject a ceasefire, while a growing …

What Do Gazans Endure? A Palestinian Student Who Lost Two Brothers, Four Cousins Tells His Story
Five years ago Palestinian student Amer Shurrab lost his two brothers in Israel's Operation Cast Lead.