Haymarket Books Will Provide Free Black History E-Books to Florida Students
Books are “dangerous to those in power.... that's why we publish them,” Haymarket Books said in a press release.
2 Florida School Districts Order Teachers to Cover or Remove Books in Classrooms
Florida is becoming “a laboratory of fascism,” one critic noted in response to the book bans.
“Florida Is a Laboratory of Fascism”: Scholars Discuss Fight Over Black History
DeSantis is using Black history as a political pawn, says E. Patrick Johnson, whose work was purged from the curriculum.
DeSantis Impeded Federal Officials’ Ability to Enforce Voting Law, Watchdog Says
The government has long sent election monitors to polling places to ensure laws like the Voting Rights Act are followed.
DeSantis Wants to Defund Florida Colleges That Have Programs on Diversity
The Florida governor described lessons on equity and inclusion as “political window dressing” in a statement on Tuesday.
FL GOP Bills Would End Requirement for Unanimous Juries on Death Penalty
Since 1976, for every three executions Florida carries out, one person has been exonerated based on post-trial evidence.
Miami’s Mayor Went All In on Cryptocurrency. His Constituents Suffered.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez made outlandish claims about the boon of MiamiCoin, but it's lost 99 percent of its value.
Students Plan to Sue DeSantis for Rejecting AP African American Studies Course
“I thought here in this country, we believe in the free exchange of ideas, not the suppression of it,” said one student.
Florida Teachers Cover Books in Classrooms Over Fear of Anti-“WOKE” Laws
The new law is “a very scary attack on fundamental rights,” one educator noted.
Florida Rejects Black History AP Curriculum, Saying It “Lacks Educational Value”
The rejection of the proposed class is “another racist act that limits education for students,” one critic noted.