States Representing 44 Percent of US Population Sue Trump’s EPA for Blocking Auto Emissions Standards
The evidence is irrefutable: Today's clean car standards are achievable, science-based and a boon for American families.
EPA Recommends Transitioning Away From Animal Testing
Animal testing isn't only cruel, but less effective than humane alternatives.
Lawmakers Want the EPA to Ignore Impacts of Pesticides on Endangered Species
It would be hard to overstate the dangers of this Farm Bill rider.
Court Rules EPA Unlawfully Delayed Environmental Racism Investigations for Decades
The concerns of communities of color were simply ignored.
Human Role in Climate Change Removed From Federal Science Report
Several scientists said the editing appears to violate a National Park Service policy.
Trump EPA Dissolves Program That Studies Effects of Chemical Exposure on Children
The Trump administration is sacrificing the health of the public in the service of corporations.
Fourteen Environmental Programs Eliminated in Trump’s Budget Proposal
The impact of proposed budget cuts on the EPA will be dramatic.
How Trump’s Deregulatory Push Is Harming Workers, Muzzling EPA Scientists and Unleashing Pollution
Trump is transforming the nation by gutting the nation's regulatory system and muzzling climate scientists.
Pruitt’s Plan to Debate Climate Science Paused as Science Confirms Human Link to Extreme Weather
A slew of new scientific reports confirmed just how much humans are changing the climate and the rest of the planet.
What It’s Like Inside the Trump Administration’s Regulatory Rollback at the EPA
The fate of a rule more than a decade in the making is a microcosm of larger changes afoot.