Elizabeth Warren
Dems Move to Protect Abortion Seekers’ Data Before GOP Takes Control of Congress
Sen. Elizabeth Warren will reintroduce legislation to ban data brokers from selling consumers’ health and location data.
Trump Is Poised to Dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The popular agency has cracked down on bank “junk fees” and worked to get medical debt off of credit reports.
Warren Says She Supports Sanders’s Bid to Block Israel Weapons Deal
“The failure by the Biden administration to follow U.S. law and to suspend arms shipments is a grave mistake,” she said.
Sanders Rebukes Billionaire Effort to Get Harris to Dump Antitrust Champion Khan
Major Wall Street donors have mounted a push to oust the FTC chair over her crackdowns on corporate power.
Warren Introduces Bill Effectively Overturning Extremist SCOTUS “Chevron” Ruling
The far right court handed a major win to corporate and right-wing interests in their “Chevron” ruling last month.
Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
The senator criticized the “right-wing, corporate-sponsored Supreme Court” for its clear “extremist agenda.”
IRS Announces It Will Crack Down on Loophole Exploited by the Superrich
The Treasury Department estimates that the new IRS initiative could raise more than $50 billion in federal revenue.
New Bill Would Punish Private Equity for Avoidable Financial Harm to Hospitals
Senator Warren’s Corporate Crimes Against Health Care bill takes on financial activities that endanger health care.
GOP Senators Block Bill to Enshrine Contraception Protections
Republicans filibustered the advancement of the bill, which would have codified the right to access birth control.
Warren Says Trump Will “Try to Ban Abortion Nationwide” If He Regains Power
In an interview Sunday, Trump said he will be deciding “pretty soon” on a specific abortion policy for his campaign.