When Candidates Talk Education, Media Rarely Go Beyond Buzzwords
The 2016 election is an important one for education policy.
Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Address
Clinton's loyalists were presenting her to us as the reincarnation of the young woman she was in the seventies and eighties.
Texas Lawmakers Are Busy Making It Harder to Vote
Texans should demand better.
Mark Crispin Miller: Neoliberalism and Its Impacts on Free Speech, Education and Democracy
Mark Crispin Miller discusses neoliberal doctrine and his new series, “Forbidden Bookshelf.”
On the News With Thom Hartmann: FEC Head Says She’s Given Up Hope of Regulating 2016 Election, and More
That agency has been unable to reach a conclusion on any key vote, and more.
Syriza: Lies, Broken Promises and Prolonged Austerity
Three months after its election, the Syriza-led coalition government in Greece has diffused any of the optimism surrounding its ascendance to power.
Lee Kuan Yew and Benjamin Netanyahu: The Politics of Fear
Singapore and Israel share a particular sense of fear, one that's manipulated politically by leaders.
William Rivers Pitt | Ted Cruz9h&dfxqqqqqqq
Ted Cruz is the true demon spawn of Joe McCarthy.
House Leaders Introduce Bill to Upgrade the United States’ Election System
Bill includes Brennan proposal to modernize voter registration.
Greece’s Syriza Government: Meet the New Sheriff – Same as the Old Sheriff
Syriza was elected on the hope that it would represent a break from Greece's old politics, austerity and neoliberal doctrine. Not so.