Public School Teachers Spend Billions of Their Own Funds on Student Needs
Teachers' personal money is the most common source of funding for classroom projects.
Education Not for Sale
From Quebec to Puerto Rico students have taken to the street to fight for their education. Here are interviews with those students who are taking a stand to preserve …
I Vote Nation: Generation Vote
New video promo from I Vote Nation asks young people around the nation to vote on Election day because they are the future of this country.
National Journey for Education Justice
On September 20, 2012, youth, parents, and community activists from across the United States converged in the Nation's Capitol to demand an end to school closures and corporate reform …
Lies of Plutocracy: Exploding Five Myths that Dehumanize the Poor
If you believe that poverty is the domain of the comfortably poor, black, unemployed, unmotivated and uneducated among us, you have been sadly misled.
How to Save Taxpayers Billions – Really
With standardized testing a staple in schools across the nation, the companies that create and sell these tests are making a fortune from your children's education.
An Experiment in Radical Education
Demand the Impossible! is a new project aimed at helping young people get involved in radical politics.
Dream Defenders Challenge Candidates to Tackle the “War on Youth” in Next Debate
In Boca Raton on Monday, the presidential candidates will be greeted by young activists with questions not covered in the debates.
In Defense of Indigenous Studies: This Time, It’s Personal
Seemingly few people realize that when the state came after Ethnic Studies in Arizona a few years ago, it was because the state deemed Raza Studies to be outside …
Henry A. Giroux: Can Democratic Education Survive in a Neoliberal Society?
Hedge fund managers now sit on school boards across the country doing everything in their power to eliminate public schools and punish unionized teachers who do not support charter …