
Dumbing Down Teachers: Attacking Colleges of Education in the Name of Reform
We must take matters of education seriously if we are going to survive as a democracy.

On Pop Clarity: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Language
It is nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. - James Baldwin

Howard Zinn, A Public Intellectual
What was so moving and unmistakable about Howard was his humility, his willingness to listen, his refusal of all orthodoxies and his sense of respect for others.

Schools and the Pedagogy of Punishment
Students are being miseducated, criminalized and arrested through a form of penal pedagogy in lockdown schools that resemble prisons

Obama’s View of Education Is Stuck in Reverse
Educational reform for the Obama administration “starts with testing and ends with data and more testing.”

Conversation With Henry Giroux: Let Us Make Haste While We Can (Part II)
A war is being waged on today's younger generation, pillaging everything they have to offer, in deference to a rabid model of market fundamentalism and neoliberalism.

Beyond Bailouts: On the Politics of Education After Neoliberalism
How is it possible to imagine a more equitable transformation in government and economics without a simultaneous transformation in culture, consciousness, social identities and values?

Obama’s Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling
Unless Duncan is willing to reinvent himself, the national agenda he will develop for education will leave a lot more kids behind than it helps.

Henry Giroux: Rethinking the Promise of Critical Education
Academic Chronis Polychroniou interviews Henry Giroux, a professor in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University.

Disposable Youth in a Suspect Society
The “war on youth” not only attempts to erase the democratic legacies of the past, but disavows any commitment to the future.