The GOP Plan to Flush Your State’s Economy Down the Toilet
The GOP has plans for a comeback. But it may cost you a lot.
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Retired Gitmo Psychologist Makes the Short List for University Job: Students and Faculty Protest Ties to Torture
Controvery surrounds the selection of Dr. Larry James, who is alleged to have facilitated torture at Guantanamo, as one of two semi-finalists for a top administrative position at the …
Fuzzy Math: The Chicago Public Schools Budget Crisis
The real bottom line may be that this is Mayor Emanuelu2019s agenda, the facts donu2019t matter, and we have very little say in the decision.
What You Need to Know About the Seattle Teachers’ Rebellion and the Deeply Flawed Test That Inspired It
Tests based on junk science have pushed Seattle's teachers to the edge.
Voices From DC: Speaking Up for Schools and a Quality Education in Communities of Color
School closures siphon resources from public schools into private ventures, entrusting education to corporations.
Does American Exceptionalism Foster American Decline?
The chauvinistic definition of exceptionalism has become common in the rhetoric of politicians.
Seattle’s Teacher Uprising: High School Faculty Faces Censure for Boycotting Standardized MAP Tests
Earlier this month, teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle, Washington, voted unanimously to stop administering a widely used standardized test, calling them wasteful and unfairly used to grade …
Online Education: Another Phony “Revolution“
Out-sourcing takes on a new dimension in education.
“It’s Not Going to be the Same”: The School Year After Hurricane Sandy
Students who were displaced by Sandy are still struggling to get their academic feet back on the ground.