Donald Trump

Will the FBI’s Document Release Disrupt the Election?
One week before Election Day, the race for the White House is shockingly close.

Henry A. Giroux | Unthinkable Politics and the Dead Bodies of Children
The civic function of politics is collapsing, and violence has become the US's habitual response to social problems.

Donald Trump Is No Outsider; He Mirrors Our Political Culture
He's right that the little guy is being screwed by the system. The problem is, he's the embodiment of it.

Donald Trump, the “Greatest Victim” in the History of the World
When people like Trump get called out for their behavior, they wail that they are actually “victims.”

Democrats Sue Trump and GOP Under 1871 KKK Act for Threatening Voters of Color
Trump has repeatedly urged his supporters to monitor polling booths on Election Day.

The Violence of White Privilege: The Bundy Clan, Dakota Access, the Noose and Donald Trump
White privilege also acts. White privilege is violent.

Donald Trump Is Not Uniquely Bigoted. He’s “as American as Apple Pie“
Trump is the president that contemporary white America deserves.

Trump’s Wall Ignores the Economic Logic of Undocumented Immigrant Labor
US recruitment of undocumented workers has drawn millions over the border as we have invested in policing that same border.

2016 Is “Biggest Year Ever” for Marijuana Reform, Advocates Say
Marijuana is on nine state ballots this election. Is this a turning point for the US's failed 80-year-long prohibition?

William Rivers Pitt | Rocks and Sewage, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love 2016
Blood and stink wash off, but endurance and perseverance are always their own reward.