Donald Trump
Freeing Up the Rich to Exploit the Poor — That’s What Trump and Brexit Are About
A bonfire of public protections is being lit in Britain and in the United States — and the beneficiaries of it will be the very rich.
No Agency Would Be Hit Harder Than the EPA Under the President’s Budget Plan
Marianne Lavelle, a veteran environmental journalist, discusses climate change and the effects Trump is already having on the subject.
Observe and Collect: How Law Enforcement Exploits People of Color in Search of Profit
The motivating factor behind civil asset forfeiture is not “to serve and protect,” but instead to collect property from people of color.
Marijuana Reforms Gain Momentum as Trump Administration Mulls a Crackdown
Congress is considering bills to protect legal marijuana from Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Exposing and Defeating the Fascist Creep
“Fascist creep” occurs when the right wing deploys corrupted versions of left-wing concepts like solidarity.
In Attacking Syria, Trump Breached the War Powers Resolution
President Trump has attacked Syria without congressional authorization, violating the US Constitution and the War Powers Resolution.
Economic Update: Economics, Psychology and Trump
This week's episode discusses French presidential elections, and more.
Press Conference
The Koch Caucus Continues Its Assault on Health Care
It's time to start calling the extremist crew that wants to throw Americans under the bus, the Koch Caucus.
Census Declines to Collect Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Data
This comes as a huge blow to the fight for LGBTQ equality, as demographic data can be a tool for social change.