Donald Trump

What We Found in Trump’s Drained Swamp: Hundreds of Ex-Lobbyists and DC Insiders
For the first time, political appointee and federal financial disclosure information is publicly searchable.

Donald Trump’s Relentless Scandal-Fixer: The Many Mysterious Doings of Michael Cohen
Why Trump is so worried about Stormy Daniels remains unclear.

William Rivers Pitt | Cochran, Corker, Flake and Hatch: The Great Senate “See Ya!”
Four hard-right senators are retiring. Will anything change?

A Step Toward Peace? South Korea Announces Trump Will Meet With North Korea’s Kim Jong-un
The White House says President Trump has accepted an invitation to meet directly with North Korea's leader.

Trump Wants to Replace Birth Control With Abstinence
The Trump administration takes aim at the Title X program.

Sam Nunberg’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Who Will Leave the White House Next?
The revolving door on the White House continues to turn.

Massive Tax Cuts for Wealthy Friends and Corporate Raiders Complete, Cohn Calls It Quits
Since the passage of the tax cuts in December, Cohn likely had little incentive to stay in the White House.

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Visa Hypocrisy
Trump violated visa laws to help staff Mar-a-Lago.

William Rivers Pitt | The GIGO White House: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Garbage begets garbage — including in the White House.