Donald Trump

Health Care Costs Loom Over Midterms as Trump Prepares His Drug Pricing Speech
Pollsters found that health care costs are one of the top policy issues motivating voters of all stripes this year, along with gun policy and job growth.

Trump Isn’t the First US President to Betray Iran
There are many examples of the United States betraying implicit or explicit agreements with Iran, sending the already tortured relationship into even deeper enmity and mistrust.

Circular Sarah

The GOP’s Midterm Strategy Is All About the Courts
There's little doubt for Republicans that the 2018 midterms are going to be a hard slog.

Arms and Influence: How Saudi Leaders Took Donald Trump for a Ride
In the case of Saudi Arabia, a major change of course would be advisable.

Who Paid Michael Cohen All That Money?
Selling access to the president, paying off ex-girlfriends and covering up scandal may be the tip of the iceberg.

The Terrible Risks of No Good Guys With Guns

Medea Benjamin: The Peace Movement Must Mobilize to Support Diplomacy in Iran and North Korea
Trump announced Tuesday he is pulling the US out of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Take the Money and Run: Trump Tax Cuts Boost Earnings of ALEC Corporations Which Promptly Lay Off Workers
Nine ALEC companies reported layoffs that have recently taken place or are planned for 2018.

Stormy Daniels’s Lawyer Challenges Trump and Cohen Over Russian Money
Stormy Daniels's lawyer really raised the stakes Tuesday night in his case against the president.