Donald Trump

From Trade War to Class War: Screw Pfizer’s Drug Patents
These government-granted monopolies are forms of protectionism.

Roseanne and TV Myths About the Working Class
The entertainment industry is still in desperate need of honest portrayals of working-class people.

“US Officially in Trade War With Canada” as Trump Doubles Down on Reckless Tariffs
Trade experts and lawmakers have repeatedly denounced Trump's push for a trade war with America's major allies as a “reckless” maneuver.

If You’re “Still in” the Paris Climate Agreement, It’s Time to Pay Into the Green Climate Fund
Only a third of the $3 billion pledged by the US has been paid.

Exiled From DC, Steve Bannon Is Stoking the Racist Right in Europe
Bannon is trying hard to get back into the Trump camp for 2020.

State’s Rights Bill on Marijuana Threatens to Divide Trump Administration
Trump has said legalization should be left up to states.

Trump Frees Alice Johnson, but What About Thousands Still Serving Life for Nonviolent Drug Offenses?
Thousands of other prisoners are still serving life without parole for nonviolent drug offenses.

Infinite War: The Gravy Train Rolls On
The American penchant for war will stretch on toward infinity.

Republicans Are Finally Ready to Limit Trump’s Power — but Only on Trade and Tariffs
Trump is reportedly unhappy with the move to restrict his powers.

Trump, Ersatz Patriotism and the Divine Right of Kings
Trump wants to be untouchable. Everyone can be touched.