Donald Trump

Trump Tower Trifecta of Bad News
Are the dominoes surrounding Donald Trump’s corruption starting to fall in earnest?

Trump Foundation Tax Return Reveals Finances During Trump’s First Year in Office
The Trump Foundation’s tax returns shine some light on Trump's finances but they still remain a mystery.

We Need to End the Yemen War Now – Not in January
There must be a sustained ceasefire right now in order to get the resources into Yemen to stop the famine.

Trump’s Fans Loved the Tear-Gas Assault at the Border
This week's violence against migrants is an example of how violence and cruelty are normalized as a type of spectacle.

Only Donald Trump Can Make a Martyr Out of CNN
CNN caters to power, but Trump is too much for even that network to stomach.

The World’s Greatest Detective
The biggest mystery of all — why do reporters keep contradicting our president-detective?

Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border
Immigration lawyers say border agents are continuing to take children away from their parents.

Lying to Robert Mueller Is Just a Terrible Idea
A good lawyer already knows the answer before asking the question.

Border Fence Quietly Slated to Expand as Congress Debates “the Wall”
South Texas communities are resisting the new stretch of fence slated for construction in February.

Border Breakdown
Sure, it may LOOK like we just gassed families across an international border, but you have to see the whole picture.