Death Penalty

The Threat of a Right-Wing Supreme Court: Analyzing Trump’s Prospective Justices
The next president will change the Supreme Court's ideological makeup for four decades.

More Proof the Drug War Is Not Over
Ramping up criminal penalties for drug misuse will further entrench the poverty and social circumstances driving it.

New Mexico Wants to Bring Back the Death Penalty
Now it's up to the Senate to decide whether the legislation will more forward.

California May Abolish the Death Penalty
California voters will get a chance to abolish the state's expensive and flawed death penalty system.

Trump’s Rape Rhetoric Appeals to Male Anxiety
Trump is using sexual assault imagery to sell angry white males a fantasy role as defenders of a feminine nation.

Supreme Court Set to Review Two Precedent-Setting Death Penalty Cases
One revolves around questions of racial bias, and the other addresses the treatment of intellectually disabled prisoners.

Doing Harm: Medical Professionals and the Death Penalty
By participating in lethal injection executions, directly or not, are medical practitioners violating professional ethics?

President Obama Can Help Save Saudi Youth Facing Beheading
Saving the lives of these men could show the Saudis that the US will no longer close its eyes to their grotesque human rights record.

Merrick Garland: Where Does Supreme Court Pick Stand on Guantánamo, Death Penalty and Abortion?
Some organizations have expressed concern that Garland's record on certain issues is unclear.

US Supreme Court Shuts Down Florida’s Death Penalty System
The US Supreme Court has ruled that Florida's capital punishment system is unconstitutional.