
More Than 46,000 US Children Have Lost at Least One Parent to COVID
Single parents and guardians have struggled to access basic services for bereaved kids amid the pandemic.

Both the Delta Variant and Thin-Willed Democrats Are Lethal to Our Society
Is it physically possible to scream so loud that you shatter your own teeth?

Biden Promotes $100 Incentives to Encourage Unvaccinated to Get Their Shots
Presently, 97 percent of all people hospitalized for coronavirus in the U.S. are unvaccinated.

FL Counties Impose Mask Mandates Despite Threat From DeSantis to Invalidate Them
More than 350 Floridians have died because of coronavirus in the past seven days.

As Delta Variant Spreads, the “Honor System” for Masking Hasn’t Worked
The CDC has issued new guidelines suggesting that people resume wearing masks indoors as COVID cases rise worldwide.

Republicans Throw Tantrums, Assault Staff After House Doctor Renews Mask Mandate
Some Republican members of Congress risked being fined $2,500 by showing up to work today without masks.

Biden Faces Growing Pressure to Force Big Pharma to Share Vaccine Recipes
The U.S. government owns the patent for critical spike-protein technology utilized in the development of COVID vaccines.

CDC to Recommend Masks Again, Even for the Vaccinated, in US Hot Spot Areas
The recommendations are set to come about as the number of “breakthrough cases” for vaccinated Americans is on the rise.

COVID’s Taken 3 Million Lives as Rich Nations Blocked Vaccine Patent Waiver
It has become abundantly clear that current vaccine production levels are not sufficient to meet global needs.

Florida Accounts for 1 in 5 New COVID Cases as DeSantis Sells Anti-Fauci Shirts
Florida physicians have attributed the state's COVID surge to the governor's rush to end public health restrictions.