
McConnell Admits to Sabotaging COVID Relief Talks to Rush Barrett Confirmation
Mitch McConnell has privately been urging the Trump White House not to strike a COVID relief deal prior to the election.

“Herd Immunity” Was Originally About Vaccination. Now It Is Neoliberal Violence.
This distorted idea has emerged at the intersection between neoliberalism and fascism, says scholar Angela Mitropoulos.

Planning for Disaster: A Writing Exercise
What does it take to survive a crisis?

300,000 Excess Deaths This Year Suggest COVID Death Rate Is Higher Than Reported
Most experts agree, even accounting for COVID deaths that were documented, most excess deaths are due to the virus.

The US Is Missing a Chance to Tackle Climate Crisis and Pandemic Relief Together
Europe is trying to integrate climate priorities into its pandemic relief plans, but the U.S. has its head in the sand.

Trump Denounces Fauci as a “Disaster” Who “Got It Wrong” About COVID-19
Trump has taken to denouncing and disparaging Anthony Fauci, even as he uses his words in a campaign ad.

Overdoses Are Skyrocketing During COVID-19. The DEA Is Making It Worse.
Since March, at least 40 states have reported an increase in opioid overdose deaths.

COVID-19 in Prisons Is Far Worse Than Previously Thought, Data Trackers Say
The public may never know the full extent of death and suffering of incarcerated people during the pandemic.

Trump Has Stoked White Supremacy and Led Police to Act Outside the Law
Jeremy Scahill says that Donald Trump has opened the door for the most extremist views of the Republican Party.

Fauci Says Trump’s Refusal to Wear Mask Is Due to Belief It Makes Him Look Weak
One model predicts there would be 79,000 fewer deaths between now and February if 95 percent of the public wore masks.