Chemical Industry Increases Contributions and Lobbying as Congress Takes Up Chemical Bill
The chemical industry has dramatically expanded its political spending in recent years.
Opposing Two States, Netanyahu Unmasks GOP-Likud Agenda of Fake Diplomacy
Urge your Democratic Senators to oppose the Corker-Menendez bill.
Republicans Want to Turn Back the Clock on the Constitution
Republicans are dragging us back to the dark days before we even had a Constitution.
Short Tales From Bizarro World: Treason Edition
Undermining negotiations on nuclear proliferation by a “rogue state” should be labeled treason.
Will the 47 Diplomacy Saboteurs Have Democratic Enablers?
Without at least six Senate Democrats, Republicans cannot pass anti-diplomacy legislation.
Ex-US Official: With Iran Letter, “Reckless” GOP Places Middle East Hegemony Over Security
Fallout continues from the Republican open letter.
Netanyahu at Congress: Not the Only Israeli Imposition on US Politics
With growing boycott and divestment success, we can expect to see increased pressure from Israel on US progressive politics.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Ideologically Dictated Worldview
It would appear that while Netanyahu certainly does not speak for all the Jews, or even all Israeli Jews, he might, perversely, speak for most of the US Congress.
Netanyahu Speaks, Money Talks
Benjamin Netanyahu gets the best of both of Sheldon Adelson's worlds.
With Disability Cuts Likely to Advance in Congress, Progressive Groups Rally to Block Them
Progressive groups are calling on supporters to defend disability benefits.