Single-Payer Health Care Is Seeing Record Support in Congress
Thanks to the repeal debacle, the GOP has inadvertently helped make single-payer part of the national conversation.
Major Breakthrough on Capitol Hill: Government May Make Drugs Cheaper
New drugs could be sold as generics.
Donald Trump’s War Crimes
The Trump administration's war crimes include the indiscriminate bombings of schools, hospitals, homes and mosques.
Congress Subpoenas Drug Enforcement Administration for Informant Policy
Members of Congress have been seeking copies of the DEA's informant guidelines since last year.
Congress Members Call Out Trump for Violating War Powers as He Considers Pushing Yemen Into Famine
We can force Trump and Mattis to back down from taking this catastrophic step unilaterally.
Congress Just Voted to Let Internet Providers Harvest Your Personal Data Without Permission
It's time to push back against Republicans who betray consumers, advocates say.
Wisconsin Lawmaker Echoes ALEC’s Call for a Constitutional Convention
If 34 state legislatures “issue a call” for a constitutional convention, Congress must convene one.
Congress Is Missing in Action as Trump Escalates War in Syria Amid Russia Probe
Democrats have also neglected to aggressively pursue investigations into Trump's ethics violations.
So Many Distractions
Three Myths the Telecom Industry Is Using to Convince Congress to Repeal the FCC’s Privacy Rules, Busted
Lobbyists are trying to convince Congress that these privacy rules are unnecessary, unfair, and overly burdensome.