
Conquest: Sexual Violence and Native American Genocide
Andrea Smith, author of u201cConquest: Sexual Violence and Native American Genocideu201d explains the connection between violence against women, and the colonization of native lands and bodies.

The Brutal Past and Present Are Another Country in Secret Australia
Suppressing racist truths, while venerating Australia's servile role in the colonial wars of Britain and the United States, has almost cult status in Canberra today.

Can Fracking Showdown on Native Land Help Break Canada’s Cycle of Colonialism?
When members of the Elsipogtog First Nation attempted to prevent seismic testing on their land that could lead to fracking, armed police appeared and violence ensued. Here, indigenous writer …

Scot Nakagawa: Civil Rights Are for Everyone
Scot Nakagawa talks with Truthout about the impediments to American people getting real about rights.

The Continuing US War on the Darker Skinned
US militarism is systematically racist, and the liberal media fail to connect the dots, says Adam Hudson.

The Failure of Multiculturalism and the Necessity of Democracy
Social practices that best deliver multiculturalism are those that at the same time may be regarded as enactments of democratic enfranchisement, the very thing that should inform the heart …

Henry Wallace, America’s Forgotten Visionary
One of the great ‘what if’ questions of the 20th century is how America would have been different if Henry Wallace rather than Harry Truman had been VP to …

Idle No More: From Grassroots to Global Movement
After sparking a massive movement of First Nations people and allies in Canada, Idle No More is building a global movement to challenge a global ecological crisis.

Chris Hedges | Will We Adjust to Life on a Finite Planet or Continue Devouring Our Future?
We, like past societies in distress, will retreat into what anthropologists call ‘crisis cults.’