
Propaganda, Self-Censorship and Climate Change
Scientist Melton argues that it's time for the environmental movement and environmental journalism to state the full truth - loudly and often - to counter denialist propaganda. That would …

Taking Our Foot Off the Global Warming Accelerator
Lowering speed limits would be relatively painless and would save consumers money, with no upfront costs.

How Global Warming has Prevented Spring’s Arrival
People are scratching their heads, wondering when spring will really get here.

Phoenix in the Climate Crosshairs: We Are Long Past Coal Mine Canaries
Phoenix stands squarely in the crosshairs of climate change.

Tar Sands Resistance Escalates in Massachusetts
Using tools from the occupied plazas and parks of 2011, activists are organizing horizontally and building a truly inclusive environmental movement.

An Addition to the Climate Movement-Civil Disobedience Toolkit
Local lawmaking efforts like those activists pushed through in Pittsburgh should be taken up on a much larger scale.

Clean-Car Battle Shows How to Fight for Emissions Reduction
The auto campaign provides three key lessons on how to take the next steps to fight climate change.

What the McCarthy and Moniz Nominations Really Say About Obama’s Climate Policy
With Obama's Keystone XL decision still weeks away, Truthout's Mike Ludwig offers an analysis of what the new heads of EPA and DOE portend for the administration's direction on …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Americans Are Already Feeling the Pinch of Austerity, and More
Only 4 days after the March 1st Sequester deadline, people around our nation are already starting to feel the pinch of austerity; Republican lawmakers in Texas don't care if …

The Crisis in Climate-Change Coverage
A complex mix of structural and cultural factors has affected climate-change coverage in the US.