Texas Towns Frack Their Way To Drought Conditions
Antonia Juhasz: Fate of Texas is a reminder of the dangers of hydro-fracking techniques now embraced by President Obama.
Civil Disobedience as Law Enforcement
Future climate protesters can proudly proclaim that they are actually climate protectors, upholding the law, not violating it.
Current Political System Incapable of Meeting Social, Economic, Environmental Challenges
A long and slow-developing path forward might be called “evolutionary reconstruction.”
Koch Brothers’ New Pledge for Planet Destruction
It should come as no surprise that the Koch Brothers would want to protect their perceived right to pollute our environment and do irreversible damage to our planet.
Line of Fire: Finding Resilience in Times of Crisis
The shared experience of confronting loss and acknowledging mutual grief serve to weave the threads of resilience tighter.
Tar Sands Coal Export Boom: Petcoke Exports Second Highest Ever in April
A filthy fuel with even more severe climate impacts than coal is leaving port bound for foreign power plants.
It’s Climate Change: I Told You So
We canu2019t resurrect the 19 firefighters who gave their lives in Arizona this weekend, but we can start to listen to what the scientific community is telling us about …
Mass Protest, Not a Speech, Is Needed to Address Climate Change
Mass protest can affect immediate change in a matter of days, while backroom operating took years to accomplish far less.
Obama on Climate Is Mixed Bag of Surprises & Status Quo
Daphne Wysham: President moves in the right direction on carbon emissions and Keystone XL pipeline but disappoints on the promotion of fracking.
Unlocking our Climate Wealth
James Boyce at TEDxTraverseCity 2013.