
A New Manhattan Project
Thom Hartmann: Renewables are getting cheaper, and fossil fuels are getting more expensive.

The Myth of Purifying Fracking Water in Saudi America: The Competition Between Food, Drink and Energy Needs
In drought areas, farmers compete with frackers for water from investor-owned water utilities.

Hundreds of Sandy Survivors Call for Passage of $51 Billion Dollar Aid Package
Rockaway Island residents say billions in aid needed for full recovery.

Millennials Occupy TransCanada Offices Across the US
Solidarity actions took place in Texas, Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and New York.

Hot Enough for You?
We see what looks like disaster looming but don't even talk about it, because the politics of climate change are inconvenient.

World Bank on Climate: “Turn Down the Heat” – Is It Really This Bad?
Impacts of climate change are worse than stated, but solutions could be easier than commonly understood.

Meet Anthony Ingraffea – From Industry Insider to Implacable Fracking Opponent
Dr. Anthony Ingraffea: My position is this. Where shale gas development has not yet occurred, ban it. Period.

Copyright Universal UClick.

Climate Change Justice and Resistance from Doha to East Texas
Activist guests discuss their actions to save the climate.

Engulfed by Arctic Waters: Residents on the Frontline of Climate Change
Inhabitants of Kivalina, an Alaskan Native village being engulfed by ocean water, respond to climate change and corporate climate deniers.