
East Asia: A Farewell to Arms
With climate change upon us, it's time to bury the hatchet in one of the world's most volatile regions.

The Obvious Relationship Between Climate and Family Planning – and Why We Don’t Talk About It
Policy makers need to recognize that family-planning policies affect a host of other issues.

The Global Climate Strike: Why We Can’t Wait
A global climate strike can stop the machine responsible for creating the climate crisis.

Why the Web of Life Is Dying
As climate change continues to rear its ugly head, our planet will lose more and more species.

Mobilizing Youth Through Hip Hop to Fight Climate Change
The Hip Hop Caucus, led by Reverend Lennox Yearwood, releases their “Coming Home” album in effort to promote climate change awareness in the upcoming generation.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Activists Take Over Wall Street After Climate March, and More
In today's On the News segment: Activists and protesters take over Wall Street after NYC climate march, and more.

Making Windmills Out of Warplanes
It's time for new spending priorities.

“We Deserve to Do More Than Just Survive”: Marshall Islands Poet’s Plea to the UN Climate Summit
Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner from the Marshall Islands read a poem to world leaders, written as a letter to her child.

Pledges Can Work, But It Will Take International Law to Fight Climate Change
The world must find a way of having a climate treaty without US ratification.

Naomi Klein: We Must Demand the Impossible to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change
Naomi Klein's new book resets the debate over global warming by focusing on how it is integrally related to the current economic system that spans the globe.