
Why Do Republicans Reject Human-Made Climate Change?
It is a testament to the political spin machine that an issue like climate change can be so polarizing.

Integrated Farming: The Only Way to Survive a Rising Sea
Experts say that concerted efforts at the federal level are needed to safeguard millions whose lives and livelihoods are bound up with changing weather patterns.

Why Carbon Should Be Left in the Ground
We must keep carbon in the ground to save our planet. And fortunately, some countries, like Denmark, are already working on that.

Climate Change Threatens Quechua and Their Crops in Peru’s Andes
The Quechua Indians are worried about threats to their potato crops from alterations in rainfall patterns and temperatures.

Amid Climate Change, What’s More Important?
Adapting to climate change will carry a high price tag.

The New Conquistadors Making Their Presence Felt at COP20 in Peru
Corporations causing social and environmental destruction in the Andes and Amazon are driving climate change, whilst enjoying influential seats at the climate-negotiating table.

Climate Change 2014: What Do We Do Now?
We must not just reduce carbon emissions, but remove pollution already in the atmosphere.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Most Americans Don’t Realize How Climate Change Impacts Health, and More
In today's On the News segment: Most Americans don't realize the ways that climate change impacts their personal health, and more.

Emissions-Cutting Deal Reached at COP 20 Lima, but Will It Help Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change?
The countries most dissatisfied with the outcome in Lima were those who are poor and already struggling to rebuild from the impacts of climate change.

“We Are on a Course Leading to Tragedy”: At UN Talks, Kerry Delivers Urgent Plea on Climate Change
John Kerry said time was running out to reverse a course leading to tragedy.