Climate Crisis

Clean-Car Battle Shows How to Fight for Emissions Reduction
The auto campaign provides three key lessons on how to take the next steps to fight climate change.

State Department Opens Door to Keystone XL Pipeline Approval
Environmental groups are outraged as the State Department announced that the Keystone pipeline is unlikely to have a negative affect on climate change.

On Climate, Defense Could Preserve and Protect, Rather Than Kill and Destroy
The Pentagon spends hundreds of billions, but almost nothing on the existential threat of the millennium.

Climate Change and Protecting Environment is a Social Justice Issue
New book exposes relationship between environmental degradation and inequality of wealth and power.

US Climate Bomb is Ticking: What the Gas Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
The history, science, economics and politics of hydraulic shale gas fracking.

What the McCarthy and Moniz Nominations Really Say About Obama’s Climate Policy
With Obama's Keystone XL decision still weeks away, Truthout's Mike Ludwig offers an analysis of what the new heads of EPA and DOE portend for the administration's direction on …

How the NRC Brass Refuses to Recognize Costly Lessons of Fukushima
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a report that contained a surprising conclusion.

The Crisis in Climate-Change Coverage
A complex mix of structural and cultural factors has affected climate-change coverage in the US.

Draft Assessment of Tar Sands Pipeline “Devastatingly Cynical“
Keystone XL will require Obama to issue formal authorization, a key bit of leverage that activists are now hoping to use in the weeks ahead.

US Climate Policy: Take Five
As congress tackles policy on climate change they