Climate Crisis

Hope, Love and Strategy in the Time of the Zombie Apocalypse
Labor and community organizer Stephen Lerner argues that love really is part of the answer to resisting the oncoming apocalypse.

Wall Street’s Climate Finance Bonanza
Government officials appear to be on the brink of instigating another corporate handout and big bank giveaway - this time in the name of fighting climate change.

Is the Keystone XL Pipeline the “Stonewall” of the Climate Movement?
Bill McKibben: If awareness on climate grows as slowly as it has on gay rights, we'll be rallying in scuba masks.

Empowered by the Past: Red State Co-ops Go Green
Can cooperatives lead the way to a smarter, cleaner grid?

Subsidized Corn Destroying Global Bio-Diversity
James Boyce: Industrial agriculture threatening existence of small farmers growing corn in Mexico and Guatemala; potatoes in Peru and the Andes; rice in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia - farmers …

A Better Road, By Rail
There is a totally obvious case for government intervention that stares us all in the face every time we hit the road.

Propaganda, Self-Censorship and Climate Change
Scientist Melton argues that it's time for the environmental movement and environmental journalism to state the full truth - loudly and often - to counter denialist propaganda. That would …

Taking Our Foot Off the Global Warming Accelerator
Lowering speed limits would be relatively painless and would save consumers money, with no upfront costs.

How Global Warming has Prevented Spring’s Arrival
People are scratching their heads, wondering when spring will really get here.

Energy Nominee Ernest Moniz Criticized for Backing Fracking and Nuclear Power; Ties to BP, GE, Saudis
President Obama's pick to become the nation's next secretary of energy is drawing criticism for his deep ties to the fossil fuel, fracking and nuclear industries.